Journal Articles

Displaying 121 - 150 of 199



Who Enters Teaching? Encouraging Evidence that the Status of Teaching is Improving
Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Andrew McEachin, Luke C. Miller, James Wyckoff. (2014). Educational Researcher, 43(9), 444-453

Is a Good Teacher a Good Teacher for All? Comparing Value-Added of Teachers with Their English Learners and Non-English Learners
Susanna Loeb, James Soland, Lindsay Fox. (2014). Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 36(4), 457-475

"My Mom Tells Me I Should Follow the Rules, That's Why They Have Those Rules": Perceptions of Parental Advice Giving among Mexican-Heritage Adolescents
Susan Holloway, Sira Park, Michele Jonas, Janine Bempechat, Jin Li. (2014). Journal of Latinos and Education, 13, 262–277

Measuring the Impacts of Teachers I: Evaluating Bias in Teacher Value-Added Estimates
Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Jonah Rockoff. (2014). American Economic Review, 104 (9), 2593-2632

Does state preschool crowd-out private provision? The impact of universal preschool on the childcare sector in Oklahoma and Georgia
Daphna Bassok, Maria Fitzpatrick, Susanna Loeb. (2014). Journal of Urban Economics, 83, 18-33

Measuring the Impacts of Teachers II: Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood
Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Jonah Rockoff. (2014). American Economic Review, 104(9), 2633-79

Active vs. Passive Decisions and Crowd-Out in Retirement Savings Accounts: Evidence from Denmark
Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Søren Leth-Petersen, Torben Heien Nielsen, Tore Olsen. (2014). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(3), 1141–1219

Mediators of Stereotype Threat among Black College Students
Douglas S Massey, Jayanti Owens. (2014). Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(3), 557-575

Strategic Involuntary Teacher Transfers and Teacher Performance: Examining Equity and Efficiency
Jason Grissom, Susanna Loeb, Nathaniel Nakashima. (2014). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 33(1), 112-140


Analyzing the Determinants of the Matching of Public School Teachers to Jobs: Disentangling the Preferences of Teachers and Employers
Donald Boyd, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). Journal of Labor Economics, 31(1), 83-117

Professional Development Research: Consensus, Crossroads, and Challenges
Heather C. Hill, Mary Beisiegel, Robin T. Jacob. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(9), 476–487

Measuring test measurement error: A general approach
Donald Boyd, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38(6), 629-663

Different teachers, different peers: The magnitude of student sorting within schools
Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(6), 304-316

Measure for measure: The relationship between measures of instructional practice in middle school English language arts and teachers' value-added
Pamela Grossman, Susanna Loeb, Julia Cohen, James Wyckoff. (2013). American Journal of Education, 119(3), 445-470

Effective Instructional Time Use for School Leaders: Longitudinal Evidence from Observations of Principals
Jason Grissom, Susanna Loeb, Benjamin Master. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(8), 433-444

The early childhood care and education workforce in the United States: Understanding changes from 1990 through 2010
Daphna Bassok, Maria Fitzpatrick, Susanna Loeb, Agustina Paglayan. (2013). Education Finance and Policy, 8(4), 581-601

How European American and Taiwanese mothers talk to their children about learning
Jin Li, Heidi Fung, Roger Bakeman, Katharine Rae, Wanchun Wei. (2013). Child Development, 85, 1206-1221

Systematic sorting: Teacher characteristics and class assignments
Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb, Tara Beteille. (2013). Sociology of Education, 86(2), 103-123

The Effect of Teacher-Family Communication on Student Engagement: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
Matthew M. Kraft, Shaun M. Dougherty. (2013). Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 6(3), 199-222

How teacher turnover harms student achievement
Matthew Ronfeldt, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). American Educational Research Journal, 50(1), Apr-36

Principals' perceptions of competition for students in Milwaukee schools
Susanna Loeb, Matthew Kasman. (2013). Education Finance and Policy, 8(1), 43-73


The Effect of Evaluation on Teacher Performance
Eric S. Taylor, John H. Tyler. (2012). American Economic Review, 102(7), 3628-51

Recruiting effective math teachers: Evidence from New York city
Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Matthew Ronfeldt, James Wyckoff. (2012). American Education Research Journal, 49(6), 1008-1047

Teacher Quality and Quality Teaching: Examining the Relationship of a Teacher Assessment to Practice
Heather C. Hill, Kristin Umland, Erica Litke, Laura R. Kapitula. (2012). American Journal of Education, 118 (4), 489–519

Stepping stones: Principal career paths and school outcomes
Tara Beteille, Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb. (2012). Social Science Research, 41(4), 904-919

Effective schools: Teacher hiring, assignment, development, and retention
Susanna Loeb, Tara Beteille, Demetra Kalogrides. (2012). Education Finance and Policy, 7(3), 269-304

When Rater Reliability Is Not Enough: Teacher Observation Systems and a Case for the Generalizability Study
Heather C. Hill, Charalambos Y. Charalambous, Matthew A. Kraft. (2012). Educational Researcher, 41(2), 56–64

In light of the limitations of data-driven decision making
Susanna Loeb. (2012). Education Finance and Policy, 7(1), 7-Jan