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Journal Articles
Michael S. Christian, Heather Hough, Susanna Loeb, Robert H. Meyer, Andrew B. Rice, Martin R. West. (2019). Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Emily Penner, Jane Rochmes, Jing Liu, Sabrina Solanki, Susanna Loeb. (2019). RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 5(3), 103-127
Matthew Kraft. (2019). The Journal of Human Resources, 53(4), 1-36
Hans Fricke, Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb. (2018). Economics Letters, 173, 39-43
Heather C. Hill, Douglas Lyman Corey, Robin T. Jacob . (2018). Teachers College Record, 120 (6)
Jaime W. Peterson, Susanna Loeb, Lisa J. Chamberlain. (2018). Pediatrics, 142(5)
Matthew Kraft, David Blazar. (2018). Education Next, 18(4)
Brian A. Jacob, Jonah E. Rockoff, Eric S. Taylor, Benjamin Lindy, Rachel Rosen. (2018). Journal of Public Economics, 116, 81–97
Kathy Vu, Charissa Cheah, Nan Zhou, Christy Leung, Jin Li, Yoko Yamamoto. (2018). Parenting: Science and Practice, 18(4), 259-277
Corinne Schwarz, Daniel Alvord, Dorothy Daley, Megha Ramaswamy, Emily Rauscher, Hannah Britton. (2018). Affilia
Jonathan Collins, Ray Block Jr.. (2018). Political Behavior
Matthew Kraft, David Blazar, Dylan Hogan. (2018). Review of Educational Research [Internet], 88(4), 547-588
Susanna Loeb, Benjamin Master, Min Sun. (2018). Education Finance and Policy, 13(3), 310-332
Andrea Flores. (2018). American Anthropologist, 120 (3), 474-486
Margot Jackson, Susan E. Short. (2018). The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 4(4), 98-119
Soojung Kim, Susan Holloway, Janine Bempechat, Jin Li. (2018). Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(8), 2384–2393
Jin Li, Yoko Yamamoto, Jamison Kinnane, Bree Shugarts, Clarence Ho. (2018). Child Development
Jonathan Collins. (2018). Journal of Urban Affairs, 40(7), 952-973
Christopher Doss, Erin Fahle, Susanna Loeb, Ben York. (2018). The Journal of Human Resources
William Elliott, Emily Rauscher, Ilsung Nam. (2018). Children and Youth Services Review, 85, 253-263
Ben York, Susanna Loeb, Christopher Doss. (2018). Journal of Human Resources, 53(4)
Emily Rauscher, Terri Friedline, Mahasweta Banerjee. (2017). Children and Youth Services Review, 83, 101-111
Eric Bettinger, Lindsay Fox, Susanna Loeb, Eric Taylor. (2017). American Economic Review, 107(9), 2855-2875
Terri Friedline, Emily Rauscher, Stacia West, Barbara Phipps, Nadzeya Kardash, Karin Chang, Meghan Ecker-Lyster. (2017). Children and Youth Services Review, 81, 340-349
Matthew Kraft, Manuel Monti-Nussbaum. (2017). The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
John Papay, Andrew Bacher-Hicks, Lindsay Page, William Marinell. (2017). Educational Researcher, 46(8), 434-448
David Rangel, Carmen Valdez. (2017). The Journal of Primary Prevention, 38(6), 627–645
Kathleen Lynch, Mark Chin, David Blazar. (2017). American Journal of Education
Matthew Steinberg, Matthew Kraft. (2017). Educational Researcher, 46(7), 378-396
Dohoon Lee, Margot Jackson. (2017). Demography, 54(5), 1845–1871