Opportunities at Annenberg

Employment Opportunities

The Engagement and Partnerships Manager will contribute to Annenberg’s multi-tiered work to support local schools while advancing high-impact, research-based practice in education by managing Annenberg Institute partnerships with Providence Public Schools, other Rhode Island K12 schools, and adjacent education-related youth-serving organizations.

Current Opportunities

Annenberg provides small grants to doctoral students from across the University whose work centrally engages with education (writ large). Grants are typically up to $5,000 but can be larger in exceptional cases. Seed funding can support research, partnership, or dissemination efforts (e.g., conduct fieldwork, collect or purchase data, conduct exploratory research, travel for partnership work, summer funding, etc.). The goal is to seed and support empirical research in education. Applications will be accepted at three deadlines: June 1, September 1, and January 1, although we will accept off-cycle applications in rare cases.

Recently Closed Opportunities

The Annenberg Institute at Brown University offers funding support for doctoral students and faculty for research that helps equalize and improve educational opportunities for students across the country. We support cutting-edge research projects, efforts to bring researchers together to address pressing challenges, and direct engagement between researchers and practitioners to advance educational opportunity and equity. We are particularly interested in supporting projects that will seed or launch future efforts. We define education broadly and invite proposals from faculty and students across a range of disciplines and methodological approaches.

The Annenberg Institute Community Engaged Education Research Funds promote and accelerate collaborations between Brown University researchers and education partners in Providence and Rhode Island. These funds provide opportunities for researchers at Brown to deepen their engagement with communities to build knowledge and bring evidence to bear to advance educational opportunity and equity. We define education and community broadly and invite proposals that support the learning and development of students at all levels. This funding opportunity intends to support ongoing engagement between researchers at Brown and local education policymakers, practitioners, or community-based organizations. The Institute will consider awards up to $30,000, although awards are expected to average $15,000 to $20,000. Proposals are due June 1, 2024.

The Annenberg Institute supports Seed and Acceleration Funds to launch, support, and accelerate education research on campus. These funds provide opportunities for researchers at Brown to support Annenberg’s broad mission of equalizing and improving educational opportunities for students across the country, particularly those from historically marginalized groups. This funding can support a range of efforts, including cutting-edge individual research projects, opportunities for scholars to collaborate to address pressing challenges, and direct engagement between researchers and practitioners. Awards vary in size from small amounts to support a faculty reading group to larger acceleration grants up to $75,000 per year. Proposals are due June 1, 2024, although we will accept off-cycle awards for smaller amounts in rare cases.

Annenberg provides small grants to doctoral students from across the University whose work centrally engages with education (writ large). Grants are typically up to $5,000 but can be larger in exceptional cases. Seed funding can support research, partnership, or dissemination efforts (e.g., conduct fieldwork, collect or purchase data, conduct exploratory research, travel for partnership work, summer funding, etc.). The goal is to seed and support empirical research in education. Applications will be accepted at three deadlines: June 1, September 1, and January 1, although we will accept off-cycle applications in rare cases.