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Jayanti Owens. (2014). Sociology of Religion, 75(1), 80–112
Jonathan Collins. (2013). Harvard Journal of African American Policy, No.4, 17-24
Susanna Loeb. (2013). The Carnegie Knowledge Network
Donald Boyd, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38(6), 629-663
Pamela Grossman, Susanna Loeb, Julia Cohen, James Wyckoff. (2013). American Journal of Education, 119(3), 445-470
Heather C. Hill, Mary Beisiegel, Robin T. Jacob. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(9), 476–487
Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(6), 304-316
Jason Grissom, Susanna Loeb, Benjamin Master. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(8), 433-444
. (2013). Annenberg Institute
. (2013). Annenberg Institute
Daphna Bassok, Maria Fitzpatrick, Susanna Loeb, Agustina Paglayan. (2013). Education Finance and Policy, 8(4), 581-601
Jin Li, Heidi Fung, Roger Bakeman, Katharine Rae, Wanchun Wei. (2013). Child Development, 85, 1206-1221
. (2013). Annenberg Institute
. (2013). Annenberg Institute
Allison Atteberry, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). Working Paper No. 19096
Heather Hough, Susanna Loeb. (2013). Policy Analysis for California Education
Heather C. Hill, Pam Grossman. (2013). Harvard Educational Review
Susanna Loeb, Jason Grissom. (2013). The Carnegie Knowledge Network
. (2013). Annenberg Institute
. (2013). Annenberg Institute
Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb, Tara Beteille. (2013). Sociology of Education, 86(2), 103-123
Matthew M. Kraft, Shaun M. Dougherty. (2013). Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 6(3), 199-222
Dan Goldhaber, Susanna Loeb. (2013). The Carnegie Knowledge Network
. (2013). Annenberg Institute
Helen Ladd, Susanna Loeb. (2013). Education, Justice, and DemocracyChicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 22-55
Matthew Ronfeldt, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). American Educational Research Journal, 50(1), Apr-36
Susanna Loeb, Matthew Kasman. (2013). Education Finance and Policy, 8(1), 43-73
Eric S. Taylor, John H. Tyler. (2012). American Economic Review, 102(7), 3628-51
Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Matthew Ronfeldt, James Wyckoff. (2012). American Education Research Journal, 49(6), 1008-1047
. (2012). Annenberg Institute