“I myself was a first-generation student and my vision of college was what I saw on TV or in the movies growing up and I never really saw myself fitting into that life so are we hope that by offering them this experience it’ll help them feel welcome that they belong on College campuses,” said Soljane Martinez. Education Coordinator, the Annenberg Institute, Brown University
- | WJAR
- | News from Brown
College Day at Brown, organized by leaders at the University’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform and Office of the President, gives Providence-area high schoolers a glimpse into everyday life at college. The immersive day of events takes young students across College Hill to explore Brown’s multitude of classes, athletic programs and community engagement opportunities, and to interact one-on-one with Brown students, staff and faculty.
- | WPRI
- | The Providence Journal
An Annenberg Institute analysis shows PPSD has struggled to attract and retain teachers. Are bonuses helping?
The Providence Public School District is still struggling to attract enough applicants and retain them, with interest limited in jobs serving high-needs students, a new Brown University report shows.
- | WJAR
A new study from Brown University is shedding light on teacher retention and staffing challenges in Providence schools.
The report shows that teaching vacancies in Providence public schools remain high and it’s been harder to hang onto teachers since the pandemic.
However, they say the overall story is more mixed.
- | CalPoly Pomona
The Office of Student Success, Equity and Innovation (OSSEI) is partnering on the research project titled Student Engagement with and Experiences of Chatbot Communication. Led by Brown University and funded by the College Futures Foundation, the study will examine the implementation of student outreach chatbots on the CPP and CSU East Bay campuses and explore how the bot has engaged students in their academic careers. The study will also look at how bots can cultivate a sense of belonging in the campus community.
- | Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce
PPSD and RI educator preparation programs coordinate to improve educator experiences and build stronger connections with local schools
All of Rhode Island’s major teacher preparation institutions have come together with the Providence Public School District (PPSD) to support a joint statement aimed at improving the way they work together. In a co-signed letter, the group commits to a new partnership meant to “address the teacher shortage in PPSD while simultaneously maintaining the quality mentoring experiences necessary for successful educator preparation.” - | The Takeaway
We speak with John Diamond, Professor of Sociology and Education Policy at Brown University and author of “Despite the Best Intentions: How Inequality Thrives in Good Schools," about the importance of Black studies.
- | ABC News
"There's been a lot of debate on how variation in academic decline plays out across states and policy choices about closing schools, but, at this point, it's not clear that school closure policies were the main driver of the drops in performance," Nathaniel Schwartz, director of applied research at Brown University's Annenberg Institute for School Reform, told ABC News.
- | The Providence Journal
Alexis’ enthusiasm for the Law and Literature course goes to the very heart of Soljane Martinez’s work. As education coordinator for Brown University’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Soljane works tirelessly to meet the needs of local K-12 schools and community organizations with the vast resources at Brown.
“We want to be able to offer the opportunity for students to build that confidence that, ‘Hey, college is for me,’” Soljane said, referring to the pilot program. “To be able to say at age 16 or 17, ‘I got credit from Brown University. I passed this course.’”
- | Usable Knowledge - Harvard Graduate School of Education
New research shows that the teaching profession is facing its worst challenges in 50 years, with job satisfaction and other metrics nearing 50-year lows. While there are likely several reasons for burnout and no easy solutions, a recent study on successful professional development strategies offers a promising path forward.
- | Education Week
Susanna Loeb, Matthew Kraft, Lindsay Page, John Diamond, and Jonathan Collins are named to the 2023 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings.
The metrics recognize university-based scholars in the U.S. who are doing the most to influence educational policy and practice. The rubric reflects both a scholar's larger body of work and their impact on the public discourse last year.