
Displaying 331 - 360 of 426




Skills for Smart Systems (VUE 17)
. (2007). Annenberg Institute

Extending Learning (VUE 16)
. (2007). Annenberg Institute

Who leaves? Teacher attrition and student achievement
Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2007).

District dollars: Painting a picture of revenues and expenditures in California's school districts
Susanna Loeb, Jason Grissom, Katharine O. Strunk. (2007). Getting Down to Facts Project: Stanford University

Early childhood and the achievement gap
Susanna Loeb, Daphna Bassok. (2007). Handbook of Research in Education Finance and PolicyRoutledge Press, 517-534

California principals' resources: Acquisition, deployment, and barriers
Bruce Fuller, Susanna Loeb, Nicole Arshan, Allison Chen, Susanna Yi. (2007). Getting Down to Facts Project: Stanford University

Educating Newcomers (VUE 15)
. (2007). Annenberg Institute

A review of state teacher policies: What are they, what are their effects, and what are their implications for school finance?
Susanna Loeb, Luke Miller. (2007). Getting Down to Facts Project: Stanford University

Excellence in the classroom
Susanna Loeb, Cecilia Rouse, Anthony Shorris. (2007). The Future of Children, 17(1)

Race, SES and achievement gaps
Susanna Loeb. (2007). Handbook of Research in Education Finance and PolicyRoutledge Press, 499-518

How much is too much? The effects of duration and intensity of child care experiences on children's social and cognitive development
Susanna Loeb, Margaret Bridges, Daphna Bassok, Bruce Fuller, Russ Rumberger. (2007). Economics of Education Review, 26(1), 52-66

Toward Proficiency (VUE 14)
. (2007). Annenberg Institute

Have assessment-based accountability reforms influenced the career decisions of teachers?
Susanna Loeb, Jesse Cunha. (2007). A report commissioned by the U.S. Congress as part of Title I, Part E, Section 1503 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Accountability and local control: Incentive response with and without authority over resource generation and allocation
Susanna Loeb, Katharine O. Strunk. (2007). Education Finance and Policy, 2(1), Oct-39


Engaging Communities (VUE 13)
. (2006). Annenberg Institute

A federal foray into teacher certification: Assessing the Highly qualified teacher' provision of NCLB
Susanna Loeb, Luke Miller. (2006). Report prepared for The Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College, Columbia University Symposium, Examining America's Commitment to Closing Achievement Gaps NCLB and Its Alternatives

Educating Vulnerable Pupils (VUE 12)
. (2006). Annenberg Institute

An economic approach to education policy implementation
Susanna Loeb, Patrick McEwan. (2006). Defining the Field of Education Policy ImplementationState University of New York Press

Getting to Equity (VUE 11)
. (2006). Annenberg Institute

Equity After Katrina (VUE 10)
. (2006). Annenberg Institute

Complex by design: Investigating pathways into teaching in New York city schools
Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Nicholas Michelli, James Wyckoff. (2006). Journal of Teacher Education, 57(2), 155-166

How changes in entry requirements alter the teacher workforce and affect student achievement
Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2006). Education Finance and Policy, 1(2), 176-216

Federal financial support for adequacy and equity in school finance
Susanna Loeb, Michael Dannenberg. (2006). Prepared for the Rethinking Rodriguez Conference, University of California, Berkeley