Tricia Kelly has extensive experience working with Multilingual Learners as a teacher, program consultant, and curriculum specialist. She has taught in Spanish/English bilingual programs in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island and has served as an MLL Specialist supporting teachers in Providence-based charter schools. She earned her doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University where her research focused on cross-cultural relationships within dual language programs. Current research and advocacy interests include ways to infuse asset-based and culturally-affirming practices into integrated programs for Multilingual Learners in K-12 school settings. Tricia is especially interested in innovative strategies that consider how teachers, families, and community organizations can holistically support Multilingual Learners, particularly newcomer students. Recent projects have focused on how translanguaging pedagogies and practices can help to sustain multilingualism in schools as well as ways to expand dual language programming to secondary school settings. All of Tricia's teaching, research, and advocacy focuses on maintaining joy at the center of hard work in schools.