Jessalynn James

Jessalynn James is an analytics director at TNTP, and was most recently a post-doctoral research associate at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University. Building on prior experience in the research, policy, and measurement fields, her research uses a mix of causal and descriptive techniques to evaluate policies that help identify and enhance teaching quality (e.g., through evaluation, recruitment, training, and retention), as well as the implications of education policy and practice for ameliorating academic disparities. Her research has been published in Education Finance and Policy, the American Educational Research Journal, and AERA Open.

Jessalynn has a Ph.D. in education policy from the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, where she was an IES-VEST pre-doctoral fellow, and a Master’s degree in public affairs from the Baruch School of Public Affairs at the City University of New York.

Email: [email protected] | [email protected]

Jessalynn James