Annenberg in the News
Upcoming Events
The Annenberg Institute strives to equalize and improve educational opportunities. By bringing together diverse thinkers to tackle difficult problems, the Institute advances the broader field: harnessing the power of Brown’s community to develop education leaders, building actionable knowledge through systematic research, partnering with educators and policy-makers for local impact, and encouraging robust civic discourse.
We equip education leaders with timely and relevant research to tackle the most important challenges in the field.
A national Working Paper series to publish high-quality working papers on a wide variety of topics related to education, especially when they have strong implications for education policy making.
Conducting rigorous research on educators in K-12 public schools to build knowledge that pushes the field forward.
Race and Education @ Annenberg
The Center of Work on Race and Education at the Annenberg Institute provides a space an inclusive space to rethink how we interrogate race and education.
Educational Opportunity in Massachusetts
This work aims to inform policy decisions through understanding historical and recent patterns of educational outcomes in Massachusetts.
Rhode Island Education Research Initiatives
The Annenberg Institute’s Rhode Island education research initiatives bring together local education leaders and researchers to solve pressing educational challenges, with a specific focus on student engagement and teacher learning.
The Research Partnership for Professional Learning
Advancing teacher learning to support equitable outcomes for all students.
An open-source library of education-relevant measurement tools to support new knowledge for the improvement of educational opportunities.
The Undergraduate Research Fellows for Social Science and Public Policy
The Annenberg Institute is dedicated to understanding the causes and mitigating the consequences of educational inequality in innovative, research-informed and multidimensional ways.