Many parents want it; few can afford it. Amid school uncertainty, private tutoring ramps up

NBC News


The average student will likely return to school having retained only 63 percent to 68 percent of learning gains in reading and as little as 37 percent to 50 percent of learning gains in math compared to a typical year, according to projections in a working paper from NWEA, a nonprofit organization formerly known as the Northwest Evaluation Association, and scholars at Brown University and the University of Virginia.

The gap widens along racial and socioeconomic lines.

"Exposure to instructional time was different between high- and low-income schools, so if you factor that into the projections, what we saw was a widening of achievement gap on the basis of school socioeconomic status," said a co-author of the paper, Jim Soland, an assistant professor of quantitative methods at the University of Virginia School of Education. "Now, if you imagine parents in high end schools are also going out and getting additional resources paying for a tutor and the like, it's hard to imagine that not further exacerbating achievement gaps."


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