
  • AI in Professional Learning - A Landscape Analysis

    In an age where artificial intelligence (AI) tools are rapidly emerging, it’s crucial we understand what advanced technology could mean for the experience and quality of teacher professional learning, and ultimately student learning.

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  • RPPL Studies: 2023-25 Portfolio

    We are building out a portfolio of studies grounded in the focus areas of our learning agenda that will come together to provide key insights in how to scale effective PL in key areas of practice.

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  • AI in Professional Learning: Navigating Opportunities and Challenges for Educators

    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom is widely discussed, yet there has been far less attention to the ways that AI will change teachers’ learning experiences. AI is no longer a futuristic concept, it’s happening right now and is already in the PL landscape. AI tools are being developed to monitor classroom interactions and provide immediate feedback, and PL organizations are leveraging AI to scale instructional coaching.

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  • Building a Research Infrastructure for Studying PL: Learnings from RPPL’s Early Years

    As the RPPL network embarks on an innovative approach to teacher PL research grounded in collaboration and a commitment to conducting equitable, relevant, and accessible research, we’re asking ourselves: How can organizations delivering PL turn themselves into laboratories to study design features of PL? How can we better collaborate across areas of expertise to understand what works, for which teachers and students, and under what conditions?

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  • Parsing Coaching Practice: A Systematic Framework for Describing Coaching Discourse

    Despite the common title of “coach,” definitions of high-quality coaching vary tremendously across models and programs. This paper begins to address these challenges by introducing a taxonomy of coaching “moves,” parsing the concrete details of coach discourse.

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  • National Trends in District Spending on Teacher PL

    While there’s a common perception that as a country, we invest billions of dollars in teacher professional learning (PL) each year, our actual understanding of spending is limited. During the first webinar in RPPL’s series on strengthening the enabling conditions of teacher PL, Dr. Arielle Boguslav from the Annenberg Institute at Brown University led a discussion on what we do know about national investments in teacher PL.

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  • Making Waves in 2023: RPPL’s End of Year Report

    Our End of Year Report celebrates the progress of our incredible team of collaborators throughout 2023 and previews what we’re looking forward to accomplishing in 2024.

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  • Measuring Teacher Professional Learning: Why It's Hard and What We Can Do About It

    This paper, developed by 10 PL organizations, addresses how we can practically and equitably measure teacher professional learning and demonstrate the impact of PL on teachers and students.

    Read the white paper >

  • End of Year Report 2022

    From a RiPPLe to a Wave: Advancing Educational Equity Through Teacher PL

    Our inaugural annual report charts the growth and influence of the RPPL coalition through key metrics, statistics and testimonials.

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  • Research Brief

    Building Better PL: How to Strengthen Teacher Learning

    This brief examines the emerging evidence on the promising features of PL that support ongoing teacher learning and development.

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  • Research Brief

    Dispelling the Myths: What the Research Says About Teacher Professional Learning

    Many commonly-held beliefs about teacher professional learning are not supported by research. Our research brief dispels those myths and delivers some truths about effective teacher development.

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  • Transforming Teacher Professional Learning Together: A Call to Action

    We are relying on our nation's teachers to take on a dizzying array of challenges. To meet these challenges, we must accelerate our learning about PL and expand our understanding of what works, what doesn't, and why.

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  • A Learning Agenda for Improving Teacher Professional Learning at Scale

    Only by working together and building innovative partnerships will make the kind of rapid progress that the educators and students of this nation deserve.

    Read the learning agenda >

  • K-12 Education Organizations and Leaders Invite Incoming ED Secretary to Prioritize Teacher Learning

    In January 2021, RPPL members wrote to Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona about the importance of teacher learning. We highlighted six recommended actions and invited partnership with the Biden administration to address educational equity through professional learning.

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