Organizational Context

While policymakers and parents tend to see education as a relationship between a single teacher and her students, teachers work in organizations – schools and districts – that have profound influences on their work and their effectiveness. This strand explores the importance of organizational context and its effects on educators. Here, we study how organizational policies and practices govern how educators engage with students, influence their satisfaction and career decisions, and support or constrain their effectiveness. We examine not only broader district and school policies, but also school-level features (e.g., principal leadership and school climate) as well as micro-contexts that occur within schools, such as grade-level or subject-area teams in which teachers may work.


Matthew A. Kraft, Manuel Monti-Nussbaum. (2020).

Heather C. Hill, Douglas Lyman Corey, Robin T. Jacob . (2018). Teachers College Record, 120 (6).

Matthew Kraft, William Marinell, Darrick Yee. (2016). American Educational Research Journal, 53(5), 1411-1499.